Tag: Zen

Suspended career last year Sagitova Alina spoke about how she responds to criticism in his address, recalled the days when the family had no money, and talked about what friends do with each other skater-solo performer
The government has extended the possibility of restructuring with state aid mortgage loans for certain categories of citizens who find themselves in a difficult financial situation. Now this can be done until the end of 2020
From 13 April on channel "Russia 1" has started serial film "zulaikha opens his eyes". Shortly before the cinepremiere channel "Russia 1" to set up a virtual press conference where the creators said about him. Part of the quotations given in the "RG"
The Executive Committee of the Russian basketball Federation, following the rules, will have to approve the final standings was completed ahead of schedule of the season. It remains to be seen who it will be - "Khimki" and CSKA
In the international discussion club "Valdai" discussed the role and the place that took the events of 1939-1945 in the political, social and cultural life of Russia and many countries from Europe to Asia

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