Tag: Zen

The state Duma adopted the law on amendments to the list of days of military glory and memorable dates. Instead, on 2 September 1945 after the Second world war is declared on 3 September. This very day the USSR celebrated as a victory Day over Japan
In Moscow for the day issued 3.2 million digital gaps, enabling them to move around the city by car or public transport. With about 900 thousand of them will be cancelled
Ten U.S. governors on the East and West coasts of the USA have teamed up to coordinate the gradual resumption of the economy, as the crisis in the fashion industry finally began to subside
Now there is legal uncertainty, which allows not to consider the testimony of individual meters in the calculation of payment for heating. The state Duma adopted a law that eliminates this drawback
The FAS in the case of obtaining information about the intention of mobile operators to raise prices for their services, assess the reasonableness of such intention. About this "RG" said the Agency. At the moment, the tariff increase is not revealed

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