US intelligence believes that the Chinese government intends to conceal the danger of the spread of coronavirus to be able to stock up on medicines and medical equipment to fight the infection, reports the Associated press, citing us intelligence documents.

The intelligence report reported that since the outbreak, China has significantly increased imports of medical goods, reducing to a minimum its exports abroad. The country’s leadership tried to hide this fact, and "denied the existence of restrictions on exports", follows from the data of special services.

According to the survey, China conducted a similar manipulation for all of January. Experts believe that with a probability of 95% of changes in imports and exports of China were outside the norm.

Earlier, U.S. President Donald trump said that the American side considers theories according to which the coronavirus originated in the laboratory in the Chinese city of Wuhan. The us President warned China of the consequences if it turns out that Beijing deliberately allowed the flash COVID-19.

He also said that Washington stops funding who, according to him, did not provide information about coronavirus in a timely manner and not brought the truth to the world.

December 31, 2019, the Chinese government announced the outbreak of pneumonia in Wuhan. The disease is a new type of coronavirus, which has the official name COVID-19. March 11, the world health organization (who) declared the outbreak of the novel coronavirus pandemic.