Unknown Mayan city discovered in jungles of the Yucatan

In Mexico, the archaeologists during the survey of the forests on the East coast of the Yucatan Peninsula, near the border with Belize, found a previously unknown pre-Hispanic settlement dated to the postclassic period of the Maya (1200-1546 ad).

a Brief report about the discovery was published by the national Institute of anthropology and history (INAH). Still little was known about pre-Hispanic settlements on the Eastern coast of the Yucatan Peninsula. Found the city is probably the largest of them and the most developed.

It is located near the modern village is located just outside mahahual in the Mexican state of Quintana Roo. Ruins are located in the area between the swamp and the jungle. Experts from INAH believe that this place was inhabited in the period between 1200-1546 years BC.

Since the city was located very close to the Caribbean sea, the locals probably majored in fisheries and agriculture. On the last point the remains of numerous structures intended for the storage and distribution of water.

Talking about the size of the city is premature. But already at the first stage, the archaeologists examined a considerable portion of the length of 1.5 km and a width of 450 metres. This area indicates that the site could accommodate a large cult object. In the near future archaeologists will focus on finding the remnants of such facilities.

Pre-recreates the layout suggests that the settlement was highly organized. Apparently, the beginning he gave the construction of several farms and gradually the city has grown. Installed that the houses here were mostly small, built of wood and palm leaves on limestone platforms.

a Survey of ancient orchards showed that they were man-made, although until recently it was believed that these plantations are of natural origin. The presence of artificial gardens also indicates that the local community was developed.

Just at the moment, excavated about 80 buildings. Among them are objects called “aguadas” – artificial stone structures to collect water, and the “sartenejas” – wells drilled to groundwater at the bottom of the natural sources.

“We know little about the lifestyle of those people who inhabited this region, says archaeologist Fernando Cortes. – A new study shows that they could be the farmers who supplemented their diet with fish. In addition, direct access to the sea could give them a trading edge for the exchange of goods with other cities.”