The West is afraid that his failure in the fight against coronavirus generate the sympathy of the allies to Russia and China, said the head of the international Committee of the Federation Council Konstantin Kosachev live on NSN.

So the MP commented on the publication of foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to the Chinese newspaper Global Times. The Minister mentioned sounding in Moscow before the charges in the desire to use humanitarian and medical assistance to "strengthen geopolitical influence". According to him, has reached even "contrary to basic diplomatic norms humiliating prohibitions to appeal to Russia for medical-humanitarian assistance — regardless of how disastrous the situation".

Kosachev stressed that Lavrov voiced a problem, it is not surprising.

"It, unfortunately, fits into the logic of our geopolitical opponents — the so-called collective West. They in any situation, even when it affects the interests, security and human health, put in the forefront the challenge of ensuring its own dominance in the world, not through close competition and after the suppression of rivals," the Senator said.

He added that in the consciousness of the West does not stop "division of allies and enemies" even when the world needed a collective response to total disaster.

"Indeed, there is outright blackmail and intimidation of those countries that theoretically can imagine a rapprochement with Russia on the principles of anti-pandemic", concluded Kosachev.

Recent data on the situation of COVID-19 in Russia and the world presented on the portal stopmanager.of the Russian Federation.