assistant to the President for national security Robert O’brien expressed the opinion that Washington does not intend to withdraw from the Treaty on measures for the further reduction and limitation of strategic offensive arms (the start Treaty, start-3).

With such a statement he made Thursday on air of TV channel Fox News. According to him, Washington will “negotiate in good faith with Russia” on nuclear arms control, writes TASS. Assistant trump said that he had a cautious optimism about the possibility of progress in the negotiations. “We will soon be in full consultation with the Russians on arms control. The President set out for it,” said O’brien.

start-3, signed in 2010, is the only existing agreement between Russia and the USA on the limitation of armaments. The agreement expires in February 2021. Earlier, representatives of the Democratic party, called on trump to negotiate with Moscow on the extension of the start-3. According to them, it’s time the President listen to the voice of reason, to the experts and allies, who recognize that this document is an integral pillar of security.