Rapper Kanye West is registered as a candidate for the elections of the President of the United States. This is evidenced by the corresponding Form number 1 on the website of the Federal election Commission.

From the application it follows that the West would run from Committee “Kanye 2020” in Oklahoma. As he pointed out the abbreviation BDY, and with this game he became the representative of the “Party in honor of birthday” (BDY Party).

the Rapper has issued a request on July 15.

the Portal TMZ says that West has not filed the Form No. 2 about the collection or spending more than $ 5,000 to the campaign. Without this information he cannot obtain the status of a candidate in accordance with the Federal law on campaign Finance.

15 Jul consulting company Redfield & Wilton Strategies estimate the proportion of US citizens are ready to support in the presidential election of Kanye West. For him, ready to give voice to two percent of Americans. Leader of American sympathies in the presidential race remains Joe Biden (48%).

Earlier it was reported that West had decided to launch the campaign because of the worsening of a mental disorder. The sources close to the musician said that he is experiencing a manic phase of bipolar affective disorder and this has influenced his recent actions and statements. The actor allegedly takes a similar exacerbation annually.