Italian scientists have invented the world’s first vaccine capable of neutralizing coronavirus. Their statement drew the attention of the Daily Mail.

They vaccinated the mice and took them antibodies — proteins of the blood plasma produced in response to virus. It turned out that these antibodies can destroy the virus in human cells in vitro. They successfully prevented the binding of the virus SARS-CoV-2 with human cells and subsequent infection.

Coronavirus can spread by aerosol

The developers of the vaccine ready to start testing the vaccine on humans in the autumn.

“as far As we know, we are the first to demonstrate the neutralization of the coronavirus vaccine”, — is told in the message of scientists.

Currently tested vaccine is the most promising of all, is made in Italy.

According on 6 may, worldwide more than 3.7 million infected with the coronavirus, including more than 259 thousand died, more than 1.22 million cured. The most affected from infection of the country — USA, Spain, Italy, UK and France. Russia is on the 7th place in the number of infection with an index of 165 929 people.