France will allocate 20 million euros to support the development of Cycling, this was stated to newspaper Le Parisien, the Minister of environmental transformations Elizabeth Bourne.

to proceed to the allocation of funds is planned after the weakening of quarantine measures, which will begin may 11. Supporting Cycling infrastructure, the authorities want to prevent traffic jams, because there is a fear that people will not want to use public transport for fear of Contracting and mass change on personal vehicles.

the Money will be spent on the creation of a network of maintenance facilities and Bicycle repair, creating a new bike and learning to ride a bike.

meanwhile, the transport specialists from the Dutch company Mobycon prepared for Berlin a quick guide to establishment of temporary bike lanes on the roads.

in the document, In particular, notes that the creation of Bicycle lanes is a way to create the necessary conditions in the coronavirus pandemic social distancing of at least 1.5 meters between people. In the administrative district of Berlin Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg is planned to create the necessary bike lanes with a minimum width of three metres each for 10 days. It is proposed to separate the bike lanes vertical barriers, and not just the layout, and the little streets close to vehicular traffic, giving them entirely to cyclists and pedestrians.