The UK government is on Monday expected to announce the names of citizens of Russia and Saudi Arabia, against which imposed personal sanctions “for violations of human rights”, reported Financial Times, citing the head of the British foreign Minister Dominic Raab.

Raab not called the names of citizens of Russia, which from July 6, will be denied entry into the Kingdom and whose accounts with British banks, if any, will be frozen. The article States that the list is expected to include the names of people allegedly involved, according to London’s the death of Sergei Magnitsky, reports TASS.

In the case of Saudi Arabia, as writes the edition, in the sanctions list should include persons associated with the murder in 2018 journalist Jamal Hackage at the Consulate in Istanbul. Sanctions should take effect immediately.

Raab also said that for 2020, the sanctions can be extended to individuals, which London suspects of corruption, harassment of journalists or people because of their religious beliefs.

We will remind, in March of 2018 in Britain announced the creation of its “Magnitsky list”. The British foreign office stated that sanctions may be imposed immediately after Brexit.

The newspaper LOOK told me that Sergei Magnitsky and other accomplices of the crimes of financier William Browder can send “sabotage chemical substances with aluminum compounds, which caused the development of cardio-hepatic insufficiency and therefore, was staged picture their own death.”