Appreciated the true extent of infection by the coronavirus

Scientists at the University of southern California confirmed that coronavirus is far more widespread than shown by official statistics, and test results, and the mortality rate is much lower. To such conclusion experts came on the basis of the results of a study of infected people in Los Angeles. About it reported in a press release MedicalXpress.

it was found that approximately 4.1 percent of the adult population of the County of Los Angeles have antibodies to the virus. With an error level of contamination ranged from 2.8 to 5.6 percent, or from about 220 to 440 thousand adults. Although these indicators some experts were skeptical, the study confirms the findings of other scientists, according to which there is a huge number of the infected who have no symptoms or feel only slight discomfort.

Tests that have been used by specialists, can often lead to false positive or false negative results. According to other scientists, they can give the illusion that really the virus is not as dangerous and many can recover COVID-19 in the form of light.

Even if infected four percent of the district’s population, this means that the epidemic is at an early stage of development, and potentially could get more people.