American veteran coronavirus compared to the Second world war

American veteran Frank Con coronavirus compared to the Second world war, noting that Russia and the US should resume relations. He told this in an interview with RIA Novosti.

the 94-year-old Con said that the Soviet soldiers took us allies very warm. “We hugged, kissed and immediately offered vodka,” says the veteran.

He compared the struggle against Nazi Germany 75 years ago and fight a common enemy now. According to Kona, the Second world war was much more dangerous than the coronavirus and has claimed far more lives, especially in the Soviet Union.

“I think the appearance of the virus is a good demonstration of the fact that the US and Russia take a common position,” — said the veteran. He recalled that the two countries were caught in a similar situation. Kon urged politicians of Russia and the USA to take advantage of the opportunity for convergence of views and understanding.

In March, Bloomberg compared the effect of a coronavirus with the Second world war. According to analysts, the effect of it is stronger than the great recession of 2008, the September 11 attacks, the oil crisis of 1973 and even the Second world war.