Ukraine should not be a cult of victory in the great Patriotic war. The head of the Ukrainian national memory Institute Anton Drabovich said on the video, which was posted on the YouTube channel of the organization.

The Ukrainian Institute of national memory, as reported by the “Rambler”, koordiniruyutsya by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine is implementing the state policy in the sphere of restoration and preservation of national memory.

Yesterday on the YouTube channel of the Institute published a video in which the selected Drabovich voiced by the Ukrainian authorities, the model of remembering the events of the Second world war.

“the Day of victory over Nazism represents not the triumph of the victors over the vanquished. He must recall the terrible tragedy and also be a warning that you can not force to resolve conflicts between Nations. The most important lesson of the war should not be a cult of victory, and the ability to appreciate the world, categorically and uncompromisingly protect it,” he said.

Today the President of Latvia Egils Levits, Lithuanian Gitanas Nausea and Estonia Kersti Kaljulaid issued a joint statement on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the end of world war II. In it they urged not to forget the tragic lessons of the past, stressing the importance of truth and authenticity.