The Russians say little but do much

The work was carried out in homes for the elderly cities of Pontoglio, Cologne and Palazzolo sull’oglio.

Russian military experts along with the military NBC spent three disinfection of medical institutions in the province of Brescia. The work was carried out in homes for the elderly cities of Pontoglio, Cologne and Palazzolo sull’oglio.

Specialists from Russia met the representatives of the city authorities. As noted by the mayor of Pontoglio Alexander of Secrecy, the importance of the events is difficult to overestimate.

“Thank you for what you came, and have such important help. People from other cities said that the Russians say little but do much,” said Segreti.

During the work of military doctors, epidemiologists and specialists NBC defense Ministry of Russia, together with Italian colleagues conducted a complete disinfection of pensions for the elderly in more than 80 localities of Lombardy. Processed 88 buildings, 680 thousand square meters of indoor facilities and more than 135 thousand square meters of roads and adjacent areas.

Earlier it became known that the authorities of Italy intend to take some of the restrictions imposed on the population due to the complex epidemiological situation. Citizens will be allowed to move between regions to justify the trip, open parks and outdoor playgrounds where you can do respecting social distance. The restrictions will be lifted on may 4.