a Scientist from Newcastle University have debunked the legend of the origin of the higher military award of great Britain – Victoria cross. Previously it was thought that the first medals were made from metal of two Russian guns captured in the Crimean war at Sevastopol.

Military historian Andrew MARRIOTT, according to the Guardian, examined the x-ray fluorescence scans of the composition of the medals of the Victoria cross between 1856 and 2013. The study showed significant changes in the structure of bronze of various ages, but Russian assistance was not there.

According to the researcher, the legend of the manufacture of medals from the metal of Russian guns was born thanks to the Times newspaper.

“Like many at that time, the Queen saw little reason to celebrate the victory at Sevastopol, and showed weak interest in the captured Russian guns. The only evidence of Sevastopol the origin is a newspaper article about the ceremony of awarding the medal in Hyde Park in 1857. The reporter is likely to bring together different stories about the disposal of the Crimean trophy guns”, – said the scientist.

However, the legend has taken root in the future for the manufacture of Victoria Crosses were used bronze taken from Chinese guns captured in 1960 during the Opium wars.