Coronavirus was another reason for the disagreement between Russia and Belarus. The allies have adopted very different approaches to combat the pandemic, which inevitably provokes a debate about the correctness of the choice they made. A separate line of the observed contradictions in the statements of the leaders of the two countries.

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko has postponed his traditional message to the Parliament and the people because of the “coreopsis”.

The message is expected in mid-April, but the cause of his mysterious transference the head of state explained just now. According to Lukashenko, there “is no conspiracy”. “The situation with koronatsiia, infections, and then declared the pandemic dramatically changed the situation not only in our country but throughout the world,” he said, adding that he wanted to avoid uncertainty in their letter.

“imagine the President at the podium today, and he can say: maybe, and if so, then so be it, but if the commercials, it will be different”, — he explained.

Lukashenka believes, because of the pandemic on many of the issues today is very difficult to give answers. On the other there is no response at all.

According to unofficial data, the message had to sound 16 APR, about its cancellation deputies warned only the day before the event. In the Belarusian media reports about the postponement of the President’s speech appeared on April 22. When now to wait for the keynote speech of Lukashenko — is unknown, but he said that he would be able to combine the message to Parliament with its electoral program.

According to rumors spread in the Telegram channels, Lukashenko seeks in his speech to defend the measures that he adopts in his country during the global pandemic. As the format has been selected correspondence debate, and as an opponent — the Russian President.

In one of his recent statements by Vladimir Putin on the inadmissibility of refusal aimed at saving the lives of citizens to the policy:

“the world as a whole, and sometimes in Russia, the idea that the first thing to think about economic and material well-being… Suggested, in fact, go ahead, stepping over all and through all, anyone and anything not looking back, in fact, does not take into account the risks associated with epidemic and just as quickly as possible to abolish all restrictions… in short, it is proposed the law of natural selection, where each is for himself… But we live in the XXI century.

And frankly: those who are now proposing to sacrifice human beings, leave them in the lurch, essentially calling for a return to savagery and barbarism.”

The President hardly spoke to his Belarusian counterpart. Rather, his words were addressed to supporters of the removal of restrictions in Russia.

However, Telegram-channel “Trakata” writes that after these ��fishing Vladimir Putin, Lukashenka demanded to alter the already prepared text of his message to the Parliament.

The message of Lukashenka wants to make a special emphasis on the harmfulness and uselessness of restrictions for citizens. In addition, it expects to include in the message detailed the medical part, which would have proved that the mortality rate from coronavirus is lower than from other diseases.

And the main thesis of his speech is to defend the chosen strategy: abandoning the restrictive measures, Belarus was able to maintain its economy, while in other countries there is a significant decline in GDP.

Anonymous messages Telegram channels are unlikely to match reality. However, the question of whether elected by Moscow and Minsk measures remains open.

Life in Belarus during the pandemic has not changed, what can be said about Russia.

Lukashenko pointedly refuses isolation. In the country continue to operate schools and other educational institutions, open Churches and cathedrals, sporting events are held. And even the may 9 Victory day Parade, which was canceled in Moscow, in Minsk will take place on schedule.

Officially in Belarus from the coronavirus died at least a hundred people. But even these deaths Lukashenko refuses to admit. According to him, the new infection did not kill a single person in Belarus, and all patients died for other reasons.

This approach is reflected in the health system of the country. In the event of the death of patients as its causes can be recorded pneumonia or any other disease, but not coronavirus: this disease is recorded as related.