the speaker of the house of representatives, Nancy Pelosi made a call to remove the statues of all the confederates from the Parliament building. This was reported by the ABC, referring to the letter of the speaker to the joint library Committee, which is responsible for this issue.

According to her, it is important not to forget the history of the United States, not to repeat, writes RIA Novosti. However, there is no place for the glorification of the intolerance of the representatives of the Confederation in the hallowed halls of the Capitol, said Pelosi.

Now the building of Congress there are 11 statues of those who were on the side of the Confederate States of America during the Civil war (1861-1865). The speaker demanded to start dismantling immediately. Her party-the Democrats propose to return the statue sent them to the States or send them to the Museum.

After the death of the African-American George Floyd at the hands of police in the US has once again intensified the debate about racial discrimination. Already demolished several monuments of the southerners who fought in the Civil war.