Named safest way to avoid aging of the brain

Scientists at the National institutes of health in the US found that eating healthy foods can improve brain function and slow the decline of cognitive functions with aging. Reliable method to avoid aging of the nervous system and dementia is a strict adherence to the Mediterranean diet. Article researchers published in the journal Alzheimer’s & Dementia.

the study involved 7756 volunteers who participated in two randomized trials (AREDS and AREDS2) supplements for the prevention of age-related macular degeneration. Only the influence of the nine components of the Mediterranean diet: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, legumes, fish and olive oil. In addition, they considered the reduction of the consumption of red meat and alcohol. The degree of compliance with diet was assessed on the basis of the questionnaires of dietary behavior.

the study AREDS cognitive function of the subjects were tested five years later, and in AREDS2 — in the beginning, two years, four years and ten years. Participants with the highest level of adherence to the Mediterranean diet was observed the lowest risk of cognitive impairment. The consumption of fish and vegetables has the greatest protective effect.

volunteers with the gene ApoE, which contributes to higher risk of Alzheimer’s disease, there was a significant decrease in cognitive functions, however, strict adherence to the Mediterranean diet compensated for the effect of the genetic factor.