Named as the chaotic harm from watching the news about the coronavirus

experts from the Center of emergency psychological aid has revealed the main signs of anxiety during isolation. One of them is a chaotic view sites with information about the coronavirus and everything that might be related to him, reports TASS.

According to the recommendations of psychologists of the emergencies Ministry, a symptom of anxiety can be a lengthy, directionless, for something specific search for information about the disease, when person is difficult to stop. Experts note that although anxiety in certain situations, and can help a person to gather, but when it is excessive, then the concern becomes very strong.

a Lack or excess of information, its opposite or contradictory, the emotional coloring, all of these factors can lead to anxiety and concern, say psychologists. In this case, a person may begin to seem that everything is “covered his head”.

this situation may cause physical symptoms such as palpitations, rapid or difficult breathing, feeling of heaviness in my chest, shaky hands, muscle tension etc.

To prevent this problem is to restrict the search three to five sites with official information and to view resources with questionable sources. It is also useful to include in the home and not to forget about physical activity, including about breathing exercises. In addition, in case of any difficulties it is advisable to seek the assistance of family and professionals.