In the United States supermarket chain Costco on the background of the situation with coronavirus have restricted the sale of meat products in one hand, reports CNN.

According to the channel, now one of the customers at Costco will be able to purchase more than three packages of products from beef, pork and poultry.

Last week the sale of meat products limited one American supermarket chain – Kroger, said CNN.

Such measures are related to the fact that more and more suppliers of meat in the United States are closed, and the demand for meat products remains high.

Earlier, us President, Donald trump has signed a decree, which equates to processing plants and meat production to defense enterprises that will allow them to work in a pandemic coronavirus,

December 31, 2019, the Chinese government announced the outbreak of pneumonia in Wuhan. The causative agent is a new type of coronavirus, which has the official name COVID-19. March 11, the world health organization (who) declared the outbreak of the novel coronavirus pandemic.