Former US presidential Advisor for national security John Bolton, commenting on relations between the U.S. and Russia Donald trump, and Vladimir Putin, called the Russian leader "smart and tough," and stated that the trump for him not "serious contender".

"I think Putin believes that he can skillfully manipulate trump. I think that Putin is smart and tough. It is well out of a bad situation. I think he sees it this soft touch. I don’t think he’s worried about trump," said Bolton in an interview with ABC News, responding to a reporter’s question about the relationship trump and Putin.

Bolton noted that trump is very good at making deals when it comes to "real estate in Manhattan".

"the Decision on the Treaty limiting armaments… many other international security issues – these things, far from his experience. When there is someone like Putin, who has dedicated his life to understanding the strategic position of Russia in the world, and Donald trump, who does not like to read about these issues, or to learn about them, this is a very difficult position for America," said Bolton.

Bolton has written a book of memoirs about working with trump, she should be out on June 23. The publication of the book was repeatedly postponed after the White house declared that Bolton is going to publish secret information.

The U.S. justice Department requires publishers Simon & Schuster to delay the publication of the book until the moment when Bolton will coordinate it with the administration over the presence of classified information. The Ministry of justice also asks the court to order the already printed copies of the book were destroyed, and leakage of its content in mass media is prohibited.

Soon after the information about the lawsuit in the leading US media came excerpts from the book, which contained unpleasant characteristics trump and criticism of his actions. The authors of the publications citing the book of Bolton wrote in particular that trump questioned whether Finland is part of Russia, said he did not want to provide military assistance to Ukraine and asked the Chinese leader XI Jinping’s assistance in the re-election of US President that could be construed as a crime.