In Germany, gradually remove the quarantine restrictions and may 1 in the German state of Hesse again allowed to hold religious meetings. On 10 may, the service at the Baptist Church in Frankfurt-on-main was the cause of the infection is a coronavirus infection, at least 107 people.

Most of these people didn’t get it during the service itself, and only later, having received the virus from those who were present in the Church. And have spread not only in Frankfurt, but in the three nearby districts. In particular, the County of Hanau is reported 16 cases in connection with this service.

Members of the Baptists claim to have fulfilled all necessary requirements in the presence of a disinfectant and during his service was respected social distance.

The authorities of Hesse, while engaged in the tracking of cases and talking about how important it is not to relax, despite the lifting of quarantine restrictions: “the Virus is still here and wants to spread.” Whether taken any measures as yet unknown, but in Hanau already canceled scheduled at the city stadium conducting a prayer to mark the end of fasting for Muslims, noting that given what happened in Frankfurt that would be irresponsible.