Turkey has opened up access to a long-forgotten underground hidden Church and the Holy source, which relate to the period of the Byzantine Empire. These objects were discovered by archaeologists during excavations in the Sultanahmet district in Istanbul.

On the opening briefly told the publication Greek Reporter. It was done in the old part of Istanbul located in the European half of the city between the Golden horn, the Bosphorus and the sea of Marmara.

the Underground Byzantine Church and the Holy spring was discovered in the heart of ancient Constantinople and modern building. It belongs to travel Agency, which opened access to the ruins. Excavations were conducted by staff of the Istanbul archaeological Museum, and the work began in 1997.

Only now archaeologists have published pictures and description of findings. Among the found underground “treasures” stands a well preserved colorful mosaic floor. Also was discovered a small underground chamber with a niche, divided into upper and lower parts. By the way, its top is just one floor below the level of modern streets.

in addition, the archaeologists found the ruins of structures to identify which has not yet succeeded. They suggest that the Church dates back to V-VI centuries of our era, that is, it was built during the Byzantine Empire. The place was probably not chosen by chance. Near was situated the so-called Great Palace of Constantinople.

Also during the excavations was found a vaulted chamber, which, according to scientists, dates back to the XI-XII centuries ad. Hidden Byzantine Church was located at the bottom of the excavated layers. It was adorned with a slab of marble and a fresco depicting the virgin Mary with the infant Jesus in her arms.

there was a small pool of water. The researchers believe that it was the Holy spring, known also under the name “agiasma”. According to one version, he could belong to the monastery, which was located further to the East. But given the large distance to it, this theory seems unlikely.