Former sampola North Korea became South Korean MP

on April 15 in South Korea, elections were held for a new Parliament of the country. Have already been known to many winners, where without a doubt one of the most unusual shapes is a 55-year-old elected MP Tae GU Min, but in the world he is better known as Tae Yong Ho.

According to the published results of the vote, former North Korean diplomat Tae, representing in the district of Gangnam of Seoul’s leading opposition United party of the future (OPB), you sure defeated the candidate of the ruling Democratic party “Tabora” Kim sung Gon. Tae GU Min, thus, became the first in the history of South Korea by a defector from the DPRK, which became a Deputy in their new homeland. Especially unique is that he was elected not on party lists and in single-mandate constituency, and holding a pre-election campaign.

Ex-diplomat to the DPRK, admittedly, could in a relatively short period of time to adapt to the rules of the political game in the South. So, he is a very popular news channel on YouTube, does not hesitate to openly criticize the policy of the present government of South Korea, which is trying to cooperate with Pyongyang. During the election campaign Tae have released a video and read a rap urging them to vote for him and promising the South Koreans “to return to their country” and to make life easier. In addition, during the four years of his life in the South, Tae was able to earn more than half a million dollars – these are the size of his property he declared when registering as a candidate in the elections. Party colleagues say that “I did not think the money is in your wallet Tae” and don’t know his income, but suggested that he could provide himself and his family by the fact that lectures and also published a bestseller in South Korea, a book about his work in North Korea.

Many doubted that the former northerner can win the support of the Seoul Metropolitan area, home to mostly the rich South Koreans, but judging by the results, he believed. Experts believe that the main role is still played not so much the identity of the Tae, as his party affiliation. In this area of Seoul usually vote for the conservatives, who ran ex-diplomat to the DPRK and dislike Democrats, representing the interests of the less wealthy strata.

one way or another, but in the political history of South Korea there is a new page, when a former northerner became the people’s representatives in the South. We can assume that authorities of the DPRK, who after escaping Tae strongly criticized him and even threatened, all this is not much like it. The new Deputy does not hide that intends to focus on inter-Korean direction and will “assist the liberation of the people of North Korea”.

Recall that Tae GU Min came to South Korea in August 2016. He escaped with his family from London, where he worked as a Deputy North Korean Ambassador to the UK. This escape has surprised many, as Tae was known to many Western journalists as “the mouthpiece of North Korea in the West,” where he regularly constantly told about the virtues of the North Korean system. Tae also took an active part in ensuring the stay in 2015 in London is the elder brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN, Kim Jong Chul, who is known as a great lover of music and admirer of Eric Clapton. Tae then wrote a book about North Korea and about his work, saying he decided to run because the North Korean authorities recalled him, not allowing his son to finish his studies in an English University.

Tae Yeon-Ho after arriving at the South changed, as is often done defectors, name to the new – Tae GU Min. The name remained the same, and the characters new name means “saving the people”. According to the elected deputies, so he decided to show that he would fight for the liberation of the people of the DPRK. Tae spent some time in public research Institute, affiliated with the South Korean intelligence service, but later left the Institute because of his critical views against the DPRK broke with the line of the new ROK government, which was to bet on the development of relations and cooperation with Pyongyang. Tae and his entourage also complained that indirectly ruling structure did everything possible to he is not particularly widely featured in South Korean media. Tae himself has repeatedly stated about the need to overthrow the government of the DPRK headed by Kim Jong-UN.