Discovered the only reliable way of combating the pandemic

Scientists have uncovered that the only way to fight the pandemic COVID-19 can only be mass vaccination, since I had been ill with the coronavirus does not occur reliable immunity. The opinion of the expert edition of Science Alert.

According to the French Professor of immunology Eric Vivier (Eric Vivier), the human body requires three weeks for the formation of sufficient antibodies against these RNA viruses, like SARS-CoV-2, but even then they suffice only for three months. However, scientists are not sure even to this forecast, since the new coronavirus shows unusual properties. As demonstrated by the SARS outbreak in 2002-2003, the recovered people to have protection for, an average of three years, but should be careful to extrapolate these data to other coronaviruses.

Despite the fact that there is evidence of persistent immune system recover from COVID-19, a well-known recurrences of symptoms, for example, in South Korea. This indicates that the infection, like herpes, can become chronic, which the disease does not manifest.

even If antibodies are produced, there is a risk that they only increase the risk of exacerbation. It is known that after the formation of antibodies increases the risk of serious complications. It is also not clear whose antibodies are more effective in combating the virus: those who have had a mild form, or those who were in intensive care. Given these uncertainties, experts doubt that we should expect that over time, humanity has formed the collective immunity and the pandemic itself will decline.