“it is Easier to get through to the President than to the district hospital” – joking of Polish Internet users after the incident. Within 12 minutes, the prankster fooling the Polish leader. For example, he tells the Dude that his main rival Rafal Trzaskowski already called the UN and said that in fact that he won the elections in Poland, asked whether the Polish ex-Prime Minister and former head of the European Council Donald Tusk with representatives of sexual minorities, and advised the President to celebrate his re-election for a second term with a bottle of local vodka “bison”. And to the end of the conversation the dude fervently convinced “his Excellency,” that in Poland, if the demolition of Soviet monuments, it was only “a few”, no one oppresses LGBT people, and the annexation of Ukraine’s Lviv is not a topic for discussion in his country.

As the two Russians managed to get through to the head of the neighboring state – is the main question that interests the poles. The Polish foreign Minister admitted that this had a hand diplomat in the Polish Consulate in new York. According to the information that Onet confirmed three independent sources in the foreign Ministry of Poland, the country’s representative to the United Nations and in the administration of the President, a request for a telephone conversation is received by the Director of the Bureau of foreign Affairs office of the President of Poland with a public Swiss postal service. According to the former head of service of ipprotocol the Polish foreign Ministry, for all of his diplomatic career, he never faced with the fact that the request for negotiations at such a high level would be done through informal channels – public e-mail. “And the UN is known to be particularly careful observance of the formalities and Protocol”, “what happened – is the height of unprofessionalism,” he was quoted Onet. But in the presidential administration claim that did everything right: they requested and received from the Embassy in new York, a two-fold confirmation of the authenticity of the request from the UN.

Despite the fact that intelligence agencies who are checking, banned privy to the details of the incident to speak on this subject, journalists managed to find out that the leading Polish representative in new York Ambassador John Wronecka and her deputies are on vacation. Who exactly confirmed that the pranker Vova is UN Secretary-General, so far unknown. Themselves the former President said in an interview with local tabloid Fakt, which has helped them is exactly what President massively congratulated on his re-election. “Usually when you call the line President, to congratulate on his election victory, his people can’t check all callers. At this time, too many calls. I think that’s why we was much easier than if we did it in some other day,” – said Alexey Stolyarov.