Sweden was one of two European countries (the second – Belarus), who refused to fight the epidemic of the coronavirus. The Swedish authorities adopted the opposite strategy in the world to react to the spread of this disease – and for a long time it seemed that it really works. But now it turns out that for Sweden it was much worse.

The unbelievers in the coronavirus (now only in Russia there are more than a quarter of the total population) regularly put Sweden as an example to his “stupid” and “cowardly” to the authorities. Assured that the strategy of Stockholm on the refusal of the majority of quarantine measures in the hope that “people are out for themselves and will defend themselves” right that allows it not to kill the economy for the sake of fighting is not a very a dangerous infection. After the global psychosis will come to naught, all will count the losses, and Sweden (as well as other country, renounced restrictions – Belarus) will be in chocolate.

However, at the moment the score is somewhat different. It is enough to compare Sweden with her narrow-minded in all respects by the neighbors, who “according to his folly” imposed restrictions.

If you look at the statistics, the number of daily cure in Denmark and Norway exceeded the number of cases. Both countries have actually won the epidemic – in Denmark only a little over a thousand really cares, in Norway – about 700. In Sweden however the situation is far from normalizing. Of the 35 thousand infected only about five thousand were cured. More precisely, from 35 thousand officially registered infected – in fact, they can be much more, because with testing in the country in trouble, too. A 10-million population of Sweden was conducted only 238 thousand tests. For comparison, approximately the same number they had held in Norway, where the population is two times less. And in the almost 6 million Danish was conducted as many as 576 thousand tests.

Yes, the main indicator of the epidemic is the death rate. However, there Sweden demonstrates the worst performance among all the Nordic countries. There died almost five thousand people (or 12% of all officially reported cases). In Denmark killed 565 people (5% of cases), and in Norway – 235 (about 3%).

the And is there a future?

Not being able to challenge these statistics, the Swedish authorities focus on another thesis – the principle of the lesser evil. They bring a current victim in order to escape from big problems in the future.

“in the Autumn we will see a second wave of the epidemic, and in Sweden by this time most people will be immune to the coronavirus. Most likely, the number is infected then it will be much less, – said the chief epidemiologist of the country and the author of the current strategy of ignoring disease Anders Tegnell. – And in the same in Finland (5.5 million population, 700 6 infections, 1 600 patients n�� date, 313 deaths and 4.7% mortality rate – approx. OPINION) the immune system will be low. And that they are again fully closed?”.

This logic would have the right to exist, if not for three big “but”. The first is the careless approach of the Swedes to the epidemic. Even if they adopted the strategy of ignoring – but it was possible at least to conduct large-scale testing of the population and to take measures to avoid such a high death rate? But the second is questionable success in achieving herd immunity. It takes up to 60% of the population were immune to the disease – and in Sweden this figure, according to some estimates, did not reach 10%. In fact, it turned out that for the sake of immunity, which was not achieved, the Swedes threatened the lives of the most vulnerable segments of the population – and a significant portion of these people died for nothing.

Finally, the third “but” is an assumption about the second wave. It is unclear what it will be, whether it will get we by the time a vaccine in order to reset its value (and a number of countries, including China and Russia, are reporting great successes in its creation). So is it worth to prevent a mythical future threats to sacrifice real people in the moment?

The question is rhetorical. Tegnell as many may say that the evaluation of the correctness of a strategy for combating coronavirus can be given in a year or two – the result is visible now. Perhaps Tegnell sure is out of danger and your post can not be afraid – after all, the Swedes themselves is not complaining. Yes, in Sweden there have been protests against the current approach, however, while up to 70% of the population believe in the rightness of government approach to the epidemic.

To dismiss Tegnell too easy. In Sweden, the Ministers and heads of departments have significant autonomy. And if the chief epidemiologist for some reason decided that the epidemic do not have to fight, then neither the Prime Minister nor other members of the Cabinet, nor the more than 2 thousand Swedish scientists that have signed a collective letter to the authorities to see reason, to change a decision can not.

to Gather stones

However, here you need to wait for the fall. After all, the Swedish government begins to pay for the arranged them “Swedish roulette” with the public. As a PR, and financial.

So, it is clear that the country’s economy a waiver of coronavirus interventions could not be saved. Estimated publication Bloomberg, the country’s GDP will fall by about 7% – and that’s about the average across the EU.

“export-Oriented economy will not be able to withstand the global shock caused by the restrictions imposed in other countries. And without clients many companies from the service sector is on the brink of bankruptcy,” – explains his conclusion by Bloomberg.

Evaluation of the Swedish Central Bankand even sadder – there predicting a decline in GDP of almost 10%.

Western journalists and politicians talk not only about what the Swedes suffered from the stupidity of their government, but that the Swedes need to stay away.

The government of Cyprus from June 9 to resume flights with a number of countries, and the list of those whose citizens can soak up the local beaches, including all the Scandinavian countries except Sweden.

In addition, the Swedes are already threatened by the possibility of isolation in traditionally close-knit Scandinavian community.

“From the point of view of protecting our health, is dangerous to open the border with Sweden. Let the Swedes sit at home while we let ourselves Germans,” – said the leader of the largest opposition Liberal party (which occupies 23% of the seats in Parliament) Jacob Ellerman Jensen.

The foreign Ministry has already asked the neighbors to take a balanced approach to any discriminatory decisions.

“it is a delicate Issue, and it seems to me that the politicians in each state should carefully evaluate the long-term consequences taken politically motivated decisions”, – said the foreign Minister of Sweden, Anne Linde.

And she’s right – however, this wish was first to perform policy Sweden itself. Carefully evaluate the long-term consequences on their decision on the abandonment of any sane means of isolation to contain the epidemic of the coronavirus. And if they did not appreciate, understand and take responsibility for their mistakes.