Antiretroviral drug lopinavir plus ritonavir acknowledged useless for the treatment of coronavirus. This is evidenced by the statement of the heads of British clinical study RECOVERY, which refers to TASS.

it is Noted that the drug has no positive impact on patients hospitalized with COVID-19. While there’s no scientific data that would say about the effect of the drug on patients in serious condition — lopinavir plus ritonavir, it is difficult to give people who are connected to artificial lung ventilation (ALV).

a Study in British hospitals in March of this year. It involved 11.5 thousand patients. With the help of scientists will establish how effective different methods of treatment of the novel coronavirus. Except for lopinavir plus ritonavir patients are also given a corticosteroid dexamethasone, the antibiotic azithromycin, tocilizumab immunosuppressant and antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine.

the latest Test was discontinued by the world health organization (who) in mid-June. The decision to discontinue use of hydroxychloroquine was taken in the framework of the tests of solidarity following the meeting of the expert group. When you stop testing, the who has relied on the results of research by British scientists.

According to the Johns Hopkins University, worldwide identified 10.2 million cases of infection COVID-19. 503 thousands of patients with this diagnosis died, 5.2 million recovered.