Todorenko was stripped of the title woman of the year

Glamour magazine has deprived blogger and TV presenter Regina Todorenko the title "woman of the year" after her words to justify, in the opinion of the public, domestic violence.

Not helped by Regina’s apology, which she posted on instagram.

The scandal took on such scale that the publication took this serious step.

The editorial office said on instagram of the magazine.

“For 15 years we, you know our values and understand that we are attentive to your opinion. Regina todorenko no longer bears the title of “woman of the year”.

Members applaud.

“Fast response! We thank the editorial Board that listened to us and common sense”, “good solution! Thank you, that did not cowardly to make excuses for the flaws, and did the honorable thing”.

As previously wrote “the Rambler”, to sharp criticism of the viewers were subjected to Regina todorenko, Express very controversial opinions about domestic violence.

YouTube show Peopletalk, the presenter said that women can be their own fault that they cheat and beat them.

Publish from Glamour_Russia (@glamour_russia) 25 APR 2020 6:36 PDT