“Getting a high rank of the doctor and getting professional activity, I do solemnly swear…” – so begins the oath of the doctor. “To be demanding and fair towards their students and contribute to their professional growth; friendly attitude to colleagues, if required by the interests of the patient, never to say no to colleagues for assistance and advice.” These are the words of the oath are the leitmotif of the active life and professional perspective of a single cohort of medical doctors-experts of mass of a system of national health care system compulsory health insurance. Their task is guided by the interests of the patients to be demanding to colleagues and through his professional activities and contribute to their professional growth.

Who are they, modern medical experts for the system? These experts carry out independent monitoring of the quality of medical care. This is necessary because the patient is often difficult to understand correctly it is treated or not, to understand whether all required procedures and tests assigned. To deal with this and to ensure equal conditions for receipt of medical care for all citizens of the country and are called medical experts. This is the best specialists in individual profiles, professionals of the highest level. Their expert conclusions based on the conclusion of the CFR, they’re all complex and controversial cases of diagnostics and treatment of patients. From their evaluation directly affects the health and well-being.

Their task is to make the patient assistance was provided at a high level of quality, – said General Director of “Capital MS” Nadezhda Grishina. Is external audit, which helps to solve many problems and make the whole system of medical care in the country better. Medical organizations, when they objectively demonstrate the results of the expert control, agree to and accept the conclusions of doctors-experts.

Thanks to the work of doctors-experts of SMO protected the interests not only of patients but also the practitioners. If the defect of medical care were caused by system deficiencies (for example, did not have the necessary equipment, medicines), that the ordinary physician cannot be held responsible for mistakes in the organization of medical care, and the conclusions of the examination will not allow to hold him accountable for someone else’s mistakes.

Today, the doctor-the expert of SMO is an important figure in the compromise between the patient and physician. Rising between them, it prevents a possible conflict, allows you to save face and not to translate dissatisfaction with the patient in a personal conflict with the doctor. This expert distance achieved the most important goal is the possibility of an exit of the doctor and the patient from pre-conflict situations with the continuation of communication for the sake of healing and the welfare of the patients.

on the eve of the professional holiday “MS Capital” gathered the stories of several of its expert doctors, thanks to which it preserved the most precious thing a man can have – his health.

a Vivid example of a man who managed to achieve great scientific and practical medical vertices in the profile with the initial stages – infectious diseases doctor of the highest qualification category, chief non-staff specialist on infectious diseases of the Department of Smolensk region on public health Antonina Grekov. At the Clinical hospital N1 of Smolensk she leads the Advisory children and adults, patients with infectious pathology. Colleagues celebrate the intelligence, education, high erudition and responsibility of a physician. During the examination Antonina Grekova evaluates the timeliness of medical care, the correctness of the choice of methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation, as well as the degree of achievement of planned result.

In many multidisciplinary quality examination conducted by the SMO, participating anesthesiologist-resuscitator of the highest qualification category, head of Department of Clinical hospital N 4 of Volgograd Sergey Levchenko. The specifics of the physician – urgent medical help during cardiac arrest, respiratory failure, burns, frostbite, trauma, severe infections, shock States. Expert opinion of Sergey Levchenko always informative and complete and the examination is conducted promptly. This year he became one of the winners of the contest “Best doctor of the Volgograd region-2020”.

Chief physician of the clinic “SM-Regionmed” Ryazan Tatyana Bolshova works as a doctor-expert specialization in “obstetrics and gynecology” 13. During this time she spent more than 7500 examinations of quality of medical care. Tatyana Bolshova accredited as a expert of healthcare in the field of “Obstetrics and gynecology” and “health Organization and public health”. Annually involved as a medical expert for the examination in other subjects of the Russian Federation: Vladimir, Tula, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara region, Republic of North Ossetia – Alania, Yakutia, etc. Since 2007 he teaches at the Ryazan state medical University. The author of over 20 scientific books and papers.

In Yakutia nearly 3,000 examinations in the last year spent as a freelance expert in the specialty “Ambulance services” Albina Ivanova, Professor, Department of anesthesiology, resuscitation and intensive therapy with the course of emergency medical care, faculty of postgraduate education of physicians medical Institute North-Eastern Federal University. M. K. Ammosov. Experience in the practical��om health – 22 years. Started Ivanov a visiting physician of the linear team at the ambulance Station of Yakutsk, and then the senior doctor of the resuscitation team, then the assistant chief doctor and chief doctor of the ssmp. In 2009 she switched over to teaching in a medical Institute.

In the medical air transport Regional clinical hospital of Omsk the doctor-the surgeon of the highest category, an expert of THE Roszdravnadzora across the Omsk region Roman Arestovich. The doctor regularly conducts the examination of all deaths and the most challenging clinical cases for medical care, including complaints.

For 2019-2020 presperterian 350 cases. Its conclusion is very authoritative, objective, and reasonable. Through his work have been identified errors in the circuits of anesthesia patients in the postoperative period and measures were taken to eliminate these errors. The novel also Aristovich repeatedly identified errors in the schemes of antibacterial prophylaxis for the patients of a surgical profile. Measures have been taken, the quality of care has improved.

Many of the problematic issues identified and on the results of examinations Deputy chief physician for clinical and expert work of the Children’s Republican clinical hospital in the Republic of Mordovia Oleg shekina. Among these problems is the discrepancy between actually provided, in fact paid medical services according to medical records; violation of orders, standards of medical care and failure to comply with clinical guidelines. A medical expert Oleg Shchekin 2012, spending approximately 1,500 to 2,000 examinations per year. For high professionalism, conscientious work and great contribution to the development of health awarded medals of the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation for “Distinction in military service”; the thanks of the Committee on health protection state Duma.

In a registry of doctors-experts of quality of medical care made Lyudmila Kiseleva, head of Department MHA and ACCMP and PL “MS Capital” in the Kurgan region. Part-time working in a medical organization by a consultant endocrinologist. Work experience in healthcare – more than 30 years. In the system of mandatory medical insurance Kiseleva Lyudmila spends mediko-economic examination (MEE), and examination of quality of medical aid (ECMP). In the CHI system began to ECMP 2014. In 2019, the doctor spent more than 2500 medical-economic examinations and approximately 150 examinations of quality of medical care. And under her leadership, staff and non-medical experts of the branch conducted more than 100 thousand examinations in cases of rendering of medical aid of the insured branch to the population in medical institutions of the Kurgan region. Deficiencies identified during the examinations are reported to the heads of honeyizinski organizations that helps to improve the quality of medical care.

Yuri Zhulev, co-chair of the all-Russian Union of patients:

all-Russian Union of patients annually conducts the all-Russian Congress of patients. In recent years, it is actively attended by the medical experts of the insurance medical organisations. During the Congress they carried out a Symposium on the rights of the patients in the compulsory health insurance system, which detail patient organizations about typical errors and their prevention. SMO experts actively participate in trainings and workshops with patient organizations to inform patients with different pathology of their rights, existing regulations and new clinical guidelines.

Several years ago, we first turned to the experts of SMO with a request to deal with complaints of patients members of patient organizations. In response, the patients received a thorough and science-based expert opinion, implicitly adopted by medical organizations. This has allowed the pretrial order to resolve a dispute between the patient and the doctor for the maximum benefit of the patient and the opportunity for professional growth of a doctor. Today it is common practice – and complaints of patients presenting to patient organizations, are sent to the SMO.

on the eve of the Day of medical worker, along with all the doctors in the country, we welcome and expert doctors insurance companies who are willing to be honest independent arbitrators between doctor and patient for the good health of the patient and the benefit of professional growth of a doctor. The development of the dialogue between doctor, patient and patient organization – the Foundation of modern patient centered healthcare, with direct mediator participation of the doctor-expert of the CFR.

the Task of the Russian patient movement I see is to reduce the tension in the health sector, which is a difficult path of modernization and, in particular, in the relationship of patients and physicians in the professional participation of a physician expert SMO. Particularly acute this need is for patients with chronic diseases, with lack of information about the availability of medical services, medicines, assistance under the MLA or in such an emergency that the world is experiencing now.

Patient organizations will make efforts to make doctors as comfortable as possible and effective from the point of view of patients. Believe that it is necessary to maintain the authority of the medical profession. And it should be done at the state level with the participation of experts of professional of the CFR.

Nikolay Dronov, Chairman of the coordination Council of the “Movement against cancer”:

Our fight against cancer ��ctive involved in the implementation of the Federal section of the national project “Fight against cancer” and at the stage of exploring the role of each participant and co-executor of the national project were convinced that the SMO are important supporters of public anti-cancer organizations in the protection of patients ‘ rights and defending their professional interests. Acquainted with the scientific developments of the medical experts of SMO in recent years, the Movement against cancer is in full support of this mission of fight against legal nihilism among physicians and among health care providers. Developed by medical experts in the field of Oncology, the Map of defects of incommodi is the most important for oncologist and his patient a tool of soft power. Knowledge by the doctor of the fact of informing the cancer patients about the possible defects of oncotomy substantially prevents the occurrence of these defects contributes to the rapid and effective resolution of conflict situations allows the patient to have faith in your oncologist. Today, the activities of medical experts of SMO in Oncology contributes to confidence-building in the field of Oncology – the very fact of an independent professional assessment of oncotomy creates the conditions to prevent serious violations of the legitimate rights and interests of cancer patients.

medical experts were faced with a difficult, important and noble task – to estimate work of colleagues with the sole purpose of getting their patients the most up to date incommodi. Work of experts requires not only deep knowledge, experience, and high discipline, full commitment, sensitivity and responsiveness in relation to patient and colleague-an oncologist. These qualities have always been inherent in the best doctors who take the responsibility to disclose their error and to tell the colleague “the speck in his eye.” Special thanks we want to say to all those who despite the challenges of time and the ordeal continues to faithfully and selflessly perform their professional duties in the name of preservation of life of our patients.

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Jennifer Alvarez is an investigative journalist and is a correspondent for European Union. She is based in Zurich in Switzerland and her field of work include covering human rights violations which take place in the various countries in and outside Europe. She also reports about the political situation in European Union. She has worked with some reputed companies in Europe and is currently contributing to USA News as a freelance journalist. As someone who has a Masters’ degree in Human Rights she also delivers lectures on Intercultural Management to students of Human Rights. She is also an authority on the Arab world politics and their diversity.