fever, fever are the most common signs of coronavirus infection. However, even after recovery is often preserved chills. According to endocrinologist Pavlova Zuhra, due to the fact that the coronavirus receptive, not only the cells of the mucosa of the respiratory system, the gastrointestinal tract, but and tissue of the Central nervous system (CNS).

a Violation of thermoregulation and the sensation of chills even in the summer heat is a consequence of damage to the nervous system. “There is evidence that many people, after complete disappearance of clinical symptoms COVID remains a fever,” – said Pavlov KP.RU. The patients are chills for recurrent disease, but the tests showing the absence of coronavirus in the body, gave scientists the idea that we are talking about the violation of the Central nervous system.

it Temporarily or permanently is yet unknown, because humanity is still too little familiar with a new infection, said the doctor. In order to keep warm without harm to health, Pavlova advised to drink warm tea or warm water with seasonal berries, such as blackcurrant, raspberries. In no event it is impossible to abuse alcohol. It can make the condition worse and delay recovery after suffering COVID-19.