Vice-Premier of Victoria Abramchenko returned for revision to the Ministry of natural resources draft concept of an integrated information system of environmental monitoring that aims to make environmental information is full and open to all interested parties. the document is not a architecture of such a system, no clear data parameters or build steps and amounts of funding, nor the staff responsible. Attempts to access guaranteed to citizens by the Constitution, the access to environmental information taken by the officials for many years – but success does not reach. In Russia still has no definition, no system of indicators characterizing the quality of the environment.The draft concept of creation of information system of environmental monitoring in the Russian Federation “environmental” Vice-Premier of Victoria Abramchenko returned for revision to the Ministry of natural resources, Rosprirodnadzor and Rosgidromet until June 24. President Vladimir Putin in January requested to approve the document by June 1, but in concept not discovered the basic components of this system architecture, the measured parameters of the stages of creation, cost, and performers. The representative of the Vice-Premier of Victoria Abramchenko said “Kommersant” that the concept sent for revision with the requirement to include “designed architecture, created and existing systems and information from all the data providers” and “approaches should be uniform and cover the entire list of monitoring objects”.”B” reviewed the draft Ministry of natural resources — the system should contain data on meteorological observations, non-radioactive and radioactive substances in air, soil, surface water and groundwater, water resources, ecosystems, permafrost conditions and its changes.Operational data on the state of the environment and analytical information Ministry vows to “web portal”. The primary formation of the system involves the use of resources of the data geekmontage (mainly data of Roshydromet), but, although a government resolution on the establishment of the Fund Dating back to 2013, he has not created. Data sources can be authorities and local self-government, business, academia and non-profit organizations. To enter the system, the Ministry of natural resources lays about five years. However, it will work from the project is unclear — the concept speaks of “the continuity and completeness of income data” and interactive access to “a wide range of users,” but proposes to regulate access to them with a “one-time provision of information for repeated use”.Open and universal access to environmental information guaranteed by the Constitution, but in reality is not even the definition and parameters of such information. The last time the Ministry of natural resources a bill designed to regulate the access to data was discussed at the end of 2019 in the state Duma, and in it the list of data and procedures for the provision of such services was not (see “Kommersant” on October 10, 2019). In December 2016 the Ministry of natural resources published a schedule of rulemaking for the Russia’s accession to the Aarhus Convention of the United Nations (it guarantees citizens ‘ access to environmental data via the courts), but the last time she remembered about it three years ago.As a result, the concept of Ministry is based on the measurement and control indicators which are provided by the sanitary-and-epidemiologic legislation of maximum permissible concentrations and approximately permissible concentrations of chemical substances. Director of the Institute of ecology and education in Russia Boris Morgunov recalled that the approved indicators of quality of environment components either, although to design them Vladimir Putin instructed in 2016. “Same hygienic standards, standards for emissions, effluents, waste disposal are not relevant to indicators of the “quality” of the environment. They do not cover all components for comprehensive monitoring and do not take into account the cumulative effects of different pollutants,” explains Mr. Morgunov. “In the seven years that have passed after the mentioned decision of the government, and failed to define with any specificity, nor with technical solutions. This is all the more surprising that proposals for the establishment of such system was developed by the HSE in 2015, but was ignored,” he concluded.The information about the environment is collected and processed by a large number of government agencies (Roshydromet, Rosprirodnadzor, Rosnedra, etc.) and organizations in their own isolated informsystem. Most of the data is collected observation network of Roshydromet. Experts have repeatedly pointed to “Kommersant” that these stations are technologically obsolete, and the network is not covered the entire territory of the country. To solve this problem in RPN propose to Supplement this network “compact sensors, allowing the main substances to monitor in online mode” in the most problem areas of cities and to consider in the new system, data from sensors control emissions in industrial plants. “Today, the legislation equips the sensors of emission sources within four years after obtaining the integrated environmental permit,— complain in Department.— It’s a long time, the first such system will earn not earlier than 2024. We believe that this period should be reduced.” “If the information systems of enterprises will directly get into the environmental monitoring system, regulatory authorities will increase chances to track negative trends and ptake measures to protect the environment from pollution,” agrees Anna Strezhneva, a senior lawyer of the practice of real estate, construction and environmental law PwC Legal, noting the need for periodic updating of the monitoring parameters as upgrading companies, “as well as the development of environmentally friendly production methods and regularly updated standards of the best available technologies in industry”.All of the participants recognize that the problem of overdue. 47% of Russians consider the possibility of change of residence due to problems with the environment. According to surveys, HSE, 60% of people say the problem with the access to environmental information. As the absence of and open access to it carries political, social and economic risks, but only the opening allows them to reduce. “Transparency and accessibility of monitoring data will allow to remove a number of conflicts and claims on problems of ecological safety and environmental protection between government, business and citizens”,— recognizes and sent for revision the draft of the Ministry.Note that the national project “Ecology,” financing of such a system also does not account for, though, and involves the development of air monitoring in the most polluted cities and water (see “Kommersant” on March 3, 2019 may 18, 2020). Sergey Vikharev, Director of group counseling on prospective technologies, KPMG in Russia and the CIS, notes that the proposed system is focused on collecting data from existing institutional and commercial sources, as, in fact, an aggregator and a data Mart, and “the cost of developing such systems at the Federal level could reach hundreds of millions of rubles and take several years.” However, the question of what kind of data will contain the system and how they will characterize the environment, and remains neresheim.Alexey Shapovalov, Anna Vasilieva