People with the second group of blood often die from called COVID-19 of complications, I think Iranian scientists, their study reprinted on the portal MedRxiv.

that most disease COVID-19 exposed to people with the second blood group, said earlier the head of the FMBA Veronika Skvortsova. According to her, the less likely a coronavirus ill people with the fourth group.

Article on MedRxiv is a Preprint and has not recessionals.

the aim of the research of Iranian scientists was to evaluate the relationship between different blood groups and deaths from coronavirus COVID-19. The analysis showed that people with blood group A are at higher risk of infection COVID-19, whereas people with blood group O have a lower risk. The odds ratio of mortality rates for blood group AB was slight, but present.

it is Worth noting that scholars from different countries have repeatedly talked about the existence of such a relationship, but their results were slightly different. For example, employees of a California company 23andMe, which deals with the deciphering of the genome, is considered the least vulnerable to coronavirus first group of blood. They analyzed data of 750 thousand people, 10 thousand of whom were sick COVID-19.