Recover from a coronavirus in the form of light can be infected again because long-lasting immunity to the disease they have not produced. About it the head of the laboratory at the center “Vector” Ilnaz Gimatdinov said the TV channel “Russia 24”.

Gimatdinov urged not to rely on the fact that the increase in the number of ill coronavirus infection will lead to the formation of collective immunity, whereby the vaccine is not required.

According to the scientist, have survived the disease patients acquire antibodies to the coronavirus only for a few months, and then they disappear. For this reason, people again can get COVID-19. “So it is not clear what impact the second wave at these people,” he said.

at the center “Vector” also spoke about trials of an experimental vaccine against the coronavirus. He noted that now it is administered to five volunteers, and the remainder a placebo. According to Gimatdinova, in the next stage the number of subjects will increase.

According to expert forecasts, the “Vector” will start mass production of the vaccine from COVID-19 at the end of this – early next year.