Doctor of medical Sciences, academician of the RAS Sergey Fighters called the main mistake in the pandemic coronavirus.

According to him, one of the major mistakes that now people are refusing to wear protective masks.

Byzov reminded that public transport in any other place where there is a crowd of people, should wear a mask.

"Note: when both members of the infectious process and the one who is infected but doesn’t know it yet, and the one who is not infected, wear a mask so we stop the spread of infection," he said in an interview

Academician noted that in Russia the incidence of coronavirus in General is declining, but slowly, largely because people are ignorant of the remedies.

The first two cases of mers identified in Russia 31 January the citizens of China. March 11, the world health organization (who) declared the outbreak of the novel coronavirus pandemic.

As measures in Russia were declared non-working days, in some regions introduced a state of isolation, was discontinued flights and closed borders.