There are several secrets behind Jannis youthful appearance.

It is not to look at the ‘Forsidefruer’-baben Janni Ree, that she the 11. march age of 50 years, and she has also cheated a bit in order to achieve the result. But her youthful appearance is, however, not only botox and filler.

“I am fortunately endowed with good genes, so I don’t have wrinkles down my cheeks and yet not to fall completely together. But that might just be. If you look at my mother, so she has no wrinkles, and she is 70 years of age. My father also had no wrinkles when he died,” says Janni for Realityportalen.

Janni also has an education in skin care, when she returned in 1998 and trained as a beautician in the UNITED states, and ever since she has kept the good skincare routine by just.

600 millilitres in the breasts

But, of course, have reality-baben not only kept alderstegnene away by using lots of moisture and workout.

“All know that I have made tits. And now has the whole of the population of Denmark is also the opportunity to see that I’ve got reshuffled my fat. So my small sidedeller is smoked down in the buttocks. And otherwise, I have in the face got some botox and some skin booster, like so many others,” she says.

Janni Ree has scored 600 millilitres in the breasts, but according to her, even see breasts smaller than it, as she is both tall and broad-shouldered. Right now she is very happy and satisfied with the size of them, but it does not mean that they need to look like this forever.

“It will not bother me to have small tits. I think small tits are just as nice and sexy as big tits. We will see if I get them made smaller when I get older. So I’m not sitting in nursing homes with silikonebryster. It can also be, I choose to get fat in them, just like with my balls.”

In the video including the corresponding Janni among other things what she has got made by itself.

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