Each Russian singer Valentina Legkostupova, who died August 14 at the age of 54 years, expert media Commission of the Public chamber of the Russian Federation Vadim Manukyan said that in the career of the late failures were to blame for Alla Pugacheva.

It intrigues Diva at the time prevented Legkostupova become a full-fledged pop star, said Manukyan in an interview with “Interlocutor”.

after all, Val was one of those whose creative life was cut short due to some intrigues. She publicly spoke about this, but, without naming names. We understand what kind of lady she was talking about Alla Pugacheva — said Manukyan.

According to a friend of the singer, she was very worried because of the cancellation of the concerts, which in the late 1980-ies was given to 120 per month. Legkostupova believed that such recognition other artists did not change anything, therefore, adhered to the position of those who do not wash dirty linen in public.

Earlier reported that Yury Firsov, the husband of Valentina Legkostupova, learning about his wife’s death, he lost consciousness and he called an ambulance. When he came to man, who became a widower just a month after the wedding, the first thing said: “Val, don’t go!”.