Daughter the assumption upset the audience with their armpits

Tatyana Plaksina — the daughter of a Soviet and Russian singer Lyubov Uspenskaya — has published a new photo on the blog. The girl, now living in the United States of America, “boasted” hairy armpits and advised subscribers to “go to work”.

Tattoos and armpits shaved for the ladies with the bouffant and pies… go to work, — she wrote on his page in social network Instagram.

Almost immediately Plaksina has closed comments to the snapshot. Subscribers reacted negatively to the photo.

Absolutely crazy. Ask the mother to cure you, — said one of the users.

However, there were also defenders of Tatiana from the haters. Fans advised her not to get criticism and to maintain individuality.


Tattoo ? and armpits shaved for the Ladies with the bouffant and pies …. GO TO WORK!!!

Publish from @ pacha_tati 23 APR 2020 8:21 PDT

Earlier NEWS.ru reported that the singer Lyubov Uspenskaya kicked out of the house of his nephew Roland. The singer learned that he was behind her passed on information on her fan club. After a stellar aunty scandal, the young man decided to move out of her mansion and fly in the United States.