the Epidemic of coronavirus has completely changed the life of rats. These animals live at the expense of human waste, but in terms of quarantine all sit at home, restaurants and businesses don’t work and are suitable for rats waste is almost gone. How do they survive?

Introduced around the world of the lockdown has led to the fact that closed restaurants and forced people to stay at home. This has led to multiple consequences and, in particular, to the fact that the rats began to seek new sources of food and change their behavior.

last week, the American Center for control and prevention of diseases issued a warning stating that rodents are faced with a shortage of food and in search of food can behave in unusual and aggressive.

In the center explain that these animals live mainly at the expense of human waste, but in terms of quarantine all sit at home, restaurants and businesses don’t work and are suitable for rats waste is almost gone.

Hungry animals prowl in search of food, which led to a significant increase in their activity and to a more tangible presence in a person’s life.

Take for example the French quarter in New Orleans, Louisiana. Back in February, in his jazz clubs bars and restaurants time thousands of people.

But after a few weeks, almost all entertainment venues Louisiana has closed the doors due virus, and rats in the truest sense of the word came out of hiding. The same rodent activity was observed in Washington and new York.

However, a leading expert USA for the study of rodents Dr. Robert Corrigan believes that the aggressiveness of rats doesn’t focus on humans and their relatives. Rats compete for the development of any cracks, which can lead them to food.

“But this does not mean that they will not attack and bite people,” said Corrigan in an interview with Bi-bi-si. He advises various companies and medical institutions in the U.S. and other countries.

At least a third of the population of the planet in recent months changed their household habits due Covid-19, and many animals have to adapt.

In April, the British national Association for the control of pests has warned that the long-term closure of schools, pubs, restaurants, hotels, tourist attractions and other public places will have undesirable consequences.

Pests are free to multiply in empty buildings and open to go in search of food, say British experts.

In desperation, the rats attack each other, even if belong to the same colony.

“Hungry rat is very aggressive towards other rats,” said the chief U.S. expert on rodents RRobert Corrigan. According to him, experts have observed such collisions in places where there used to be a lot of food where the rats continue to come instinctively.

in addition, in rats under the influence of unusual circumstances may occur cannibalism. According to Corrigan, in such times of famine, as now, these rodents are able to kill and eat your own kind.

“Hungry rats are able to cover long distances and into completely alien to them the areas where there never were rats,” says Corrigan.

the Scientist noted that rats are very formidable animals. They have an exceptional flair for food sources, and their strong teeth able to chew through doors and many other obstacles.

Experts from different countries state that the rats on the streets became much more, and agree that the widespread quarantine gave them the space and freedom for enhanced reproduction. However, not all share the concerns that rats flooded the city.

Robert Corrigan believes that now is the best time to implement new schemes for the control of rodents.

a pack of hungry rats can devastate homes and spread infection. They enter the premises where are small children, in hospitals and nursing homes.

Rats can be carriers of 55 pathogens that can cause various diseases. However, Covid-19 this number is not included.

in addition, they often gnaw through wires, which increases the risk of fires. Scientists are urged to be especially vigilant right now, and to make every effort to prevent rats in your life.

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