Cords said the infection of coronavirus

the leader of the Russian group “Leningrad” Sergey Shnurov declared infected by the coronavirus during a live broadcast in an Instagram account of a football player Alexander Kerzhakov.

“don’t come to me because I have been sick with coronavirus,” said the artist to the athlete and explained that currently he is at his dacha in St. Petersburg. According to him, the store he walks independently, using a mask and sunglasses so no one recognized him.

Cords wished to infect the deputies, assuming that this way will update the composition of the state Duma. “Damn, is not allowed. See when the next meeting will break with all starts spitting”, — said the musician.

In January, the rocker wrote a poem about the outbreak of coronavirus. He urged to take advantage of the situation and start to travel, as now the sites decreased stage consisting of Chinese tourists. In addition, the artist recalled that “there is no way that famously could not have something to give.”