Became known the identity of the beloved comedian Alexander Gudkov

Lover of the Russian comedian Alexander Gudkov is a 33-year-old Alexander Gagarin from Riga. About the identity of the chosen one became known Starhit.

According to the newspaper, the lover not once seen in the company of Gudkov. According to published photographs, in February he was with Gagarin, which showed an engagement ring. Recently, the same decoration noticed on the ring finger of the comedian.

the Publication claims that the couple already got married last summer. Starhit on the found footage hooters posing in a suit, and Gagarin — in the white shift dress.

However, Gudkov in an interview with Ksenia Sobchak was informed only that planning a wedding and that he has a favorite person. He said that six months ago made an offer but did not disclose the name of the second half. The comedian noted that he decided not to have a wedding reception. Sobchak in response, said it was ready to hold his wedding for free.

the 37-year-old Alexander Gudkov — actor, writer, comedian. Was the captain of KVN team “Fedor dvinyatin”, creative Director Comedy Woman and participant of the show “Evening Urgant” on the First channel. Through the work in the category “Music Studio of Alexander Gudkov” revealed the talent of the screenwriter for music videos of Russian stars and parodies of clips of various performers.