Migrated the coronavirus can leave irreversible consequences. According to experts, to restore the sense of smell could only a quarter of patients feel the taste of food and smells they could only two weeks after full recovery. As explained “Газете.Ru” doctors, in addition to the loss of smell after COVID-19 some people will still have to treat pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary fibrosis and disorders of the brain vessels.

Some of the symptoms of coronavirus can be irreversible and remain in patients even after recovery. To such conclusion doctors in the United States, the study of which refers to The Wall Street Journal.

the Study, published in the European archives of otolaryngology, showed that some had been ill COVID-19 people will never be able to fully recover a lost sense of smell.

the study showed, to restore the receptors for two weeks after recovery, are only a quarter of patients.

the Maximum duration of return to normal sensitivity professionals while it is difficult to establish, as there are difficulties with determining the extent of damage to the receptors. Doctors also pointed to the existence of cases where the receptors had been ill and recovered, and suggested that the sense of smell and taste may not return to these patients.

the ability of the novel coronavirus to destroy olfactory receptors cause doctors confusion, as in many cases, the disease occurs even without nasal congestion.

“Olfactory receptors that go to the brain and, in fact, are the most short path “commit suicide” to keep it away from the virus — said the Deputy Director of the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Pennsylvania, Danielle Reid. — This can be viewed as a healthy reaction to the virus. If that doesn’t work, then maybe people really is significantly worse.”

As one of the survivors coronavirus — 23-year-old Matt Newey — due loss of smell every day he feels a lot of stress. According to the young man, he is afraid to stay home alone, so it may not feel possible gas leak or smoke smell. “I spent a day and a half without food. My stomach is my friends,” said Newey, adding that much thinner, as it gets more pleasure from eating.

However, the loss of smell is not the only consequence of a coronavirus that will stay with ill patients for a long time even after recovery. As explained “Газете.Ru” honored doctor of Russia Andrey Kubyshkin, everything will depend on what diseases are suffered from person to COVID-19.

“Complications can be respiratory and ��osuditi systems, but it is very individual cases. In addition, long-term reminder of the transferred COVID-19 may be pulmonary fibrosis (thickening and replacement of the lung tissue connective “Газета.Ru”). In that case, if you have developed an infection in the respiratory type, he can permanently remain after the inflammation goes away. Disruption of cerebral vessels type of stroke can also occur because the Central nervous system is significantly affected with the virus during the disease. However, to identify these effects only by means of individual consultations of specialists, who will later help to cure any complications,” said Kabichkin.

Confirmed the risk of irreversible consequences of coronavirus and the doctor immunologist Maria Pollner.

“a Small percentage of irreversible effects do have. Most often it refers to pneumonia: it can lead to irreversible damage of the respiratory tract and cause pulmonary fibrosis. However, in order to explore this question, we need longitudinal studies. With regard to the recovery of receptors, should not be afraid — they are mainly restored. Permanent impairment of their functions is only possible in rare cases, data on this are still scarce, — said the doctor, “Газете.Ru”.

“If the common cold, SARS or respiratory diseases, inflammation is kept at the level of the nasal cavity or throat, at coronavirus infection affected mucosa of the nasal cavity may paranasal sinuses, posterior pharyngeal wall, hypopharynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs. That is, there is defeat virtually all the floors,” — said Zaitsev, the TV channel “Star”.

According to him, the most terrible consequence COVID-19 can also be the occurrence of multiple organ failure. “The coronavirus can cause acute condition — a condition of acute pancreatitis, acute heart failure,” explained the doctor.

additionally, ill patients may also threaten HIV, says Zaitsev: “Man falls into immunodepression. This makes the virus.” However, immunologist Poliner with his opinion categorically do not agree.

“It’s too categorical a statement. HIV is a separate virus, not associated with a coronavirus. On the background respiratory infections can really be a decrease in immune defenses in General. due this is possible complications such as bacterial infections — they have to fight on the basis of individual symptoms. And, of course, not to forget to breathe fresh air, to observe the regime of work and rest, to gradually recover,” she concluded.

About the importance of the recovery process after suffering COVID-19 “Газете.Ru” said Andrei Kubyshkin. “I believe that after a coronavirus very important rehabilitation, particularly related to restoration of skeletal muscle. This is necessary because for a long time people were in a horizontal position,” he said.

At the same time pass a long-term recovery required to all patients, regardless of the form in which the disease proceeded, and said, “Газете.Ru” major rehabilitation of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation Galina Ivanova.

“the Disease of new coronavirus infection, leading to disruption of oxygen-transport function of the entire system — from the outer respiratory organs to organ systems, utilizing results of aerobic and anaerobic oxidation (oxidation process in which oxygen is consumed — “Газета.Ru”), the process is gradual and requires a long period to restore all of the violations and compensation of lost functions”, — said the doctor.

According to the expert, rehabilitative interventions must last continuously for two-three months, depending on the changes of the human condition. First and foremost, the people who recover from COVID-19, it is necessary to pay attention to the restoration of the right lung and an increase in their vital capacity, which subsequently will result in a positive impact and blood oxygen saturation.

“For this we need daily to engage in breathing exercises, under the supervision of a rehabilitation using remotely controlled telemedicine programs for at least 4 days, and then continue the exercises on their own,” — said the expert.

“people after COVID-19 lung tissue is sealed and all the exercises are aimed at inflating the lung threat. In the process of the disease the alveoli they are compacted, and classical breathing exercises in this situation will not lead to improvement, but only to the complications,” he noted in a conversation with the “MK”.