in The last couple of weeks and are up to 19 times more jobs are created in the digital learning environment diddit is in high school. There are, in addition to the 12.5 times that of the spontaneous exercises. And there is also a Saturday spent working for the school. That allows leermiddelenmaker Of the solid. More than 3000 new teachers will be on diddit, since it’s temporarily free.

and it appears from an evaluation of three ‘lecture-free’ weeks. The tasks were, after all, is to replace the lessons. The weekpiek was on a Thursday, but on Saturday, there was a remarkable amount of activity. In the second lecture-free week has been a bit more active than the first week. In the third week, it decreased the activity below the level of the first of the week.

Of is the free availability of the diddit to the possibility of quality education for all students in the secondary school. Since the platform is free for you to use, it was argued, is about 3,000 new teachers to be active on diddit.

additional tasks and exercises.

to-do list, a package of practices for teachers to be specifically set up for students to complete. In this field there are up to 19 times as much activity as before in the lecture-free weeks and on the Friday of the first week.

The level of activity during the first week, it ranged from 7.4 times as many tasks, on Thursday, at up to 19 times as many tasks on the calendar. Pre-treater Friday is the quietest day. All of the other days of the layers in between. Also on Saturday, there were 9 times as many jobs created as a pre-treater.

In week 13, the second lecture-free weeks, varying with the increase in economic activity of about 7 times as much as the tasks, on Thursday, up to 17 times as much as the tasks on the calendar. The overall activity was a little higher, but it was more evenly distributed throughout the week.

the Students were more spontaneous and exercise, diddit. Well, here it is, the level of activity was higher in the first lecture-free week. Here, too, we see, on Friday, the highest rate of increase – i.e. a 12.5 times as much as a pre-treater. On Thursday, there will be the most worked in the past, on Thursday, march 12, but less than 41.010-made exercises. This increase is the smallest possible, namely, up to 5.2 times as much.

In the second lecture-free week on Friday, which is also the biggest difference can be seen. It was of 11.2 times as much work as on Friday of the week before. On Thursday, there will be the most work, and with the increase of the minimum: there is a 4.8 times as much work as a pre-treater.