Armizonskaya district is located in the South of the region borders on Kazakhstan, the Urals. The climate of the forest zone is conducive to agriculture, livestock. There are several dozens of small and medium farms. However, the shortage of farm hands is quite noticeable: the population density is comparable to the far North – three people per square kilometer. But the endless fields there is since so many natural bodies of water, usually freshwater.

Arizonia usually presented in beautiful verbal wrapper as “the edge of three lakes” (actually they are less). Some of them, coupled with swamps form a Federal biological reserve is the home to about 180 species of birds, including red-listed. Other lake – free, rich in fish, mainly carp, and the thought of them settling more valuable species – Peled, carp – stalking everyone who has any business acumen. So here’s the thing: how many years arizonza say about the origin of the fish industry, and everything fails.

One of those who year after year fail – Sergey Lushnikov, native armazones, former head of the peasant farm. Although I hope raveline to say in the past tense – tolerated. Sergei rents a couple of lakes. Far, Sekacheva area of 45 hectares and less vdevyatero near Karcino. Periodically before the farmer bought fingerlings, releasing them into the lake in the hope of future good catch, and in the spring with despair watched which arises on the surface of dead fish. She died under the ice from lack of oxygen. Crayons local lake, and there is nothing else to come up with, but artificially pumping oxygen aerator.

you can Buy it no problem. The question is what power source to connect. Transmission line, with a few exceptions, are far from the reservoirs.

– For connections of lines to Sekacheva four million rubles requested. Yeah, I found millionaire! Son, the shift workers in the Arctic, is experiencing for the cause. Advised a solar panel mount. It helps, but not without flaws: the lights in the winter time is short, “weekend” too much, two of the aerator power is not enough. Last year thanks to a grant the district administration has acquired two wind turbines with batteries – domestic and foreign. Now capacity to spare, enough even for the economic house with fridge, video surveillance, says Lushnikov.

In General, on lake Sekacheva the wind and the sun are best friends fish breeder. And Caracino managed recently to make a withdrawal from the lines, the blessing it nearby. Here aerator at 380 volts will be enough for safe wintering of carp and cheeses, said Sergey. For their feeding on the fields Mature the oats with barley. This winter, according to farmer, was unusually soft, so the Deputy��RA managed to avoid. But the coronavirus almost destroyed the plans of procurement of fry in the Chelyabinsk region, where at one time visitors were not allowed. And now a new threat – hot, almost no rain, summer.

Fishery runs along the coast, shows on the bar measure the water level.

– up To 30 centimetres fell. Heat vrazhina. See how the algae of the rod, tighten them all, – said the source. – That is what is now daily think, ideally, still need wintering holes for fish. He would have dug: look to low-cost dredgers of the mini size, with the Ural manufacturers the other day I phoned. As with the previous purchase of fingerlings, the Department of agriculture would help? Thanks to the subsidies I spend in the South of the region, I dare say, fisheries experiment using alternative sources of energy. And then people have to fish farming waved his hand as a hopeless task. For nine years he toiled. How can? On the off chance nothing happens. My successful experience – others should go. And for the device of wintering holes I will sooner or later take!

the Initiative Lushnikov district authorities received with interest and approval. In fact, the development of aquaculture in “the edge of three lakes” was delayed and is now likely marked a breakthrough.

Yes, the owner still asked “to pass through the newspaper” asking ichthyologists: “Waiting for advice, recommendations, invitations to study. How long have they been with us, peasant fishermen, not talked.”

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Jennifer Alvarez is an investigative journalist and is a correspondent for European Union. She is based in Zurich in Switzerland and her field of work include covering human rights violations which take place in the various countries in and outside Europe. She also reports about the political situation in European Union. She has worked with some reputed companies in Europe and is currently contributing to USA News as a freelance journalist. As someone who has a Masters’ degree in Human Rights she also delivers lectures on Intercultural Management to students of Human Rights. She is also an authority on the Arab world politics and their diversity.