17-year-old student from Krasnoyarsk Alexander Razin opposed to the low quality of distance education in the region, which may continue in the new academic year. July 23, the young man was planning to organize a local rally in Hyde Park. But city hall denied permission to hold the protest, citing the prohibition of mass events in the region due to the coronavirus. But Alexander is not going to retreat and have already appealed the decision in court.

We found out from the 11 graders that led him to organizing the rally against udalenkie.

– my Main goal is to draw attention to the problem, says Razin. – I did two and a half months spent on remote and realized how carelessly it was all organized. Training, in fact, was what gave us homework and we did them, and Someone just copied. A real school to call it impossible.

While many parents have lost their jobs and could not provide their children with everything necessary for distance learning. In Yakutia, for example, children were given computers and tablets, and in our rich region where there is oil, aluminium and Nickel, have decided for the children to save.

I’m worried about my future, I next year you need to pass the exam in first class will my little sister. I do not see how the remote control could be a first grader. The authorities must do everything possible so that the compliance with the measures of protection and went to school at least primary school students. In addition, to consider blended learning options for other children, for example, conduct face-to-face lessons on the most important items.

besides, it is necessary to prepare schools to quality remote learning not to repeat the spring situation. While there is only an attempt to save on education and to shift all on shoulders of parents. I want the government gave Russian students guarantee that we will be able normally to study.

is There any reason to believe that in September the region will continue study in distance format?

Yes, some schools refuse to enter into contracts with organizations of additional education, and the many rumors. In addition, in the same Moscow the mayor has said that every effort will be made to children in September sat at their desks in the capital and to the work of the institutes and schools. We do these prohibitions extended to August, and may extend to September. The Governor of the OSS trying to run away from problems instead of help Krasnoyarsk education carry a heavy period. All we, the students of the Krasnoyarsk region, have already become the victims of badly implemented distance education.

– did the authorities or the school to pressure you in connection with mian ting?

On me yet. The school called my classmate, which is specified in the notice as an organizer of the rally. Obviously, I chose it because it does not focus. The parents asked if they know what their daughter. Of course, her and my parents know about the rally and fully support our actions.

Your banned rally city hall…

– We have already filed documents in court to challenge the decision of the municipality. The refusal to hold a meeting of officials refer to the decree of Alexander USSA on prohibition of holding mass events, which can not be above Federal law and especially of article 31 of the Constitution.

I believe injustice that volunteers agree on the Constitution and races, and pickets by correspondence and citizens with an important question forbidden to meet even with observance of all security measures. The square of the Astronauts is designed for 10 000 people from the calculation of square meter per person. 1,000 (the stated number) can be accommodated in this space with the observance of any desired social distance. So concern about our health here and does not smell.

I very much hope that the court will consider our appeal and on 23 July, the event will be held.