According to the government amendments, the employee will be required to confirm the use of a holiday on a trip to the doctors. You will need to provide a certificate of the medical organization. However, the evidence need only be the case if it is provided by collective agreement or local normative act.

the Amendments are aimed at increasing the duration of active working life of Russians, noted in the Cabinet.

Now workers while passing the examination are granted this right by one day once in three years, and persons of pre-retirement age and pensioners – two working days once a year.

“This decision will allow our citizens to receive an annual additional paid holiday for the passage of prophylactic medical examination, – commented the Chairman of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin. – Today employers do not always meet their employees to those in a timely manner could get to the doctor, people are forced to take time off for your account and lose in the salary.”

According to the speaker, as a result, many simply refuse inspection, however, regular annual medical exams – the key to identifying at an early stage of chronic or even fatal illnesses.

“This law will help preserve health and increase life expectancy of our citizens,” – I agree with the conclusion of the Cabinet Volodin.