the Capital and Zealand home to the municipalities with allerflest confirmed coronasmittede. And especially in one vestsjællandsk municipality it is quite bad to.

Slagelse Municipality is the darkest area on the map. Why is not yet known – but an expert has a bid.

the Expert is the clinical professor at the expertise centre for Multisygdom and Chronic Illness, Anne Frølich, and she points out that they are generally more ill and have a lower income and educational levels in Slagelse municipality.

It tells she to Zealand.

“We know it’s not right, then we are to seek the money that we can get an understanding of what people who are at particular risk, especially if it all comes again. The high number could be justified in that there are many people with multisygdomme in this area. At the same time, they are more sick than elsewhere in the country. We also see a generally lower income and educational levels,” says Anne Frølich.

The multisyge have multiple chronic diseases, and the professor says that in Denmark we have 16 of the major diseases, of which there are many who suffer, and many suffer from several at one time.

With chronic diseases can, for example, talk about diabetes, arthritis, COPD or asthma.

But why it just is Slagelse, which is the municipality with the highest number of confirmed cases per 100,000 inhabitants at the national level, there is not a unique answer to.

Whether it is because of vinfestivalen shortly before the shutdown with hundreds of guests, livsstilsmessen in Skælskør, or something else, we might never have answers to.

the Statens Serum Institut will to Zealand not comment on why the one or the other municipality has many or get infected.

the Mayor of the municipality, John Dyrby Paulsen (S), do not know why it is precisely in his municipality, which is the hardest hit in the country, but he comes with a guess that it may be due to be tested at the Slagelse Hospital, and that it therefore draws many from the municipality out there.