the High qualification Board of judges has deprived of powers of the judge of the Krasnodar regional court Elena Khakhaleva. The scandalous servant of Themis, was accused of numerous truancy and violation of the procedure of consideration of cases.

July 13, vkks, finally managed to conduct the disciplinary hearing of the infamous judges of the Krasnodar regional court. Recall the name Elena Kahalewai rocked the entire country in 2017. Then she threw a Grand Banquet on the occasion of daughter’s wedding. The guests were entertained by stars of the Russian stage Joseph Kobzon, Vera Brezhneva and Valery Meladze. Soon after the Banquet the lawyer Sergei Zhorin in social networks said that Hahaleva spent on the event in the order of 2 million dollars. In addition, rumors spread that she had no legal education. However, the questions to Kahalewai emerged only two years later, when the chair of the Krasnodar regional court took Alexey Shipilov, succeeding retired at the age of Alexander Chernov. The new leadership of the court found that Ms. Hahaleva often absent in the workplace. From 2016 to 2019 has accumulated 128 days. Where have you been the judge, a total of more than four months, to understand the Vienna Convention. Moreover, it became known that Hahaleva during periods of absence to fly. However, at least one of them – at the meeting of the Council of judges. So these days, perhaps from the “schedule” absenteeism was expelled. The defense of the judge insists that all trips were business trips. But without this questions to the “Golden judge” kvalifikaciyi enough. In the list of claims – violation of the procedure of consideration of cases and the absence in the hall as chair or Rapporteur. Elena Khakhaleva through his lawyer tried to get the hearing behind closed doors. However, kvalifkacije decided to dismantle the identity of the “Golden judge” should publicly. The sanction chosen for her very severe: the early termination of the powers and deprivation of the first qualifying class.