the Pandemic was another impetus for the emergence of initiatives to reform the health care system in the country. So, on this occasion, said the speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko and Minister of health Michael Murashko, who noted the lack of transparency of the current system. Held among doctors, the survey showed that every second of them considers OMC brake health, and yet most of us see in this system a lot of advantages.

the online survey, which involved more than 10 thousand doctors from the country, was named the major shortcomings that experts see in the funding of medicine for the expense of medstrakh. Among the top 82% of doctors called bureaucratic red tape in the provision of medical services and excessive number of inspections of medical facilities and activities of doctors. Among other disadvantages of the existing system in the country was called the low rates for assistance (71%), constant under-funding of services (75%) and the regional differences of tariffs, which put the Russians in different conditions assistance.

Among the undoubted advantages of the system, the doctors highlighted the fact that through it all, the Russians secured to the receipt of medical care, this was stated by 64% of respondents. In addition, 42% cited the positive side of OMS availability of medical care across the country. More than a third of respondents noted as a positive fact, the choice of the patients of the medical organization.

But on the further development of the medical opinions of doctors were divided almost equally. So, 48% of respondents believe that in the future the system must be developed within the framework of compulsory health insurance, while 52% said OMS a brake on the development of health. 46% of respondents believe that the country should return to the budget (estimate) funding. 23% noted the need to move towards voluntary health insurance with direct government funding for emergency assistance and certain social programs for the poor and disabled.

As noted by the head of the Russian Union of insurers Dmitry Kuznetsov, is not the first to sound the opinions of people who believe that Russia should return to the “Soviet” an estimated model of health care financing and called for the elimination of OMS: “the Health workers think it will help to immediately solve all the problems. Alas, the views of practitioners about the system of health insurance is often insufficient, which leads to misconceptions. The main problem is insufficient funding and, as a result of low salaries and the workload for doctors had nothing to do with the existing model. It’s the size of the health budget, which may be the distributionor determined according to the rules of MLA for their assistance, or through the estimate. But the funding does not. Significantly increase the budget – the task of the political, and not question the system. As one of the important reasons of the negative attitude of health workers to the system is that it is configured to ensure patients, and of course, a large number of inspections of doctors is not happy. But who and when happy guards?”