it is Unlikely that the flies can become a carrier of coronavirus infection. But the vectors of other diseases they can be.

“the Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 refers to the typical respiratory virus, transmitted mainly by airborne droplets. The most susceptible to it alveolar cells of the lungs, to which the microorganisms enters through the upper respiratory tract. The maximum concentration of respiratory pathogens is generated in the secretions from the nose, throat, otraslevoi in the sputum. We know that in the gastrointestinal tract (the esophagus and the ileum) also has receptors interacting with the virus, but there is a small”, – told the “Russian newspaper” in the CPS.

If a person eat the product, which until then had been flies, the coronavirus he is not sick. But intestinal disorders can begin.

“To prevent diseases, first and foremost, dysentery, worm infestation, typhoid fever, cholera, it is necessary to prevent contact of flies and other insects with food, wash vegetables and fruit before eating, clean and sanitize surface areas where there is food. You need to pay attention to the utensils and clean hands when preparing and eating food” – reminiscent of the CPS.